Iso 14001: Greening Management Systems

This study brings to the fore many issues that have been widely speculated regarding facilities that adopt ISO 14001 EMSs, and validates as well as dispels some of the rhetoric associated with ISO 14001-certified facilities. It discusses three very different manufacturing facilities that have adopted ISO 14001 EMSs, what factors led to the decisions to certify their EMSs, and the internal and external outcomes they have experienced as a result of ISO 14001 certification. The cases illustrate that internal outcomes are surprisingly similar for all three facilities. All of the facilities have increased their employee involvement in environmental management, improved document control and manufacturing efficiency, and increased their focus on non-regulated impacts. Interestingly, the external outcomes due to ISO 14001 adoption have varied more widely across the case facilities, but include improved vendor contracts, increased customer satisfaction, increased ability to market products domestically, increased access to international markets, and some regulatory benefits.