To evaluate the effect of certain drugs on hematologic changes, blood chemical values, and survival in endotoxin shock, anesthetized ponies were given (IV) endotoxin (Escherichia coli O55:B5) and then treated as follows: Group A ponies--given a saline infusion at 5 minutes and at 3 hours after they were given endotoxin; group B ponies--given flunixin meglumine at 5 minutes and at 3, 6, 9, and 24 hours after they were given endotoxin; group C ponies--treated with dexamethasone; and group D ponies--treated with prednisolone at 5 minutes and at 3, 9, and 24 hours after they were given endotoxin. Anesthesia was maintained for 4 hours, after which time the ponies were allowed to recover. Throughout the experiment, samples of blood were collected for blood gas, hematologic, and blood chemical values. The endotoxin effects were seen in the 4 groups: lactic acidosis, prolonged coagulation times, leukopenia, hemoconcentration, and elevated blood chemical values. Although none of the treatments prevented the effects of endotoxin, changes were less severe and survival times were longer in ponies treated with flunixin meglumine.