Topological estimation using witness complexes

This paper tackles the problem of computing topological invariants of geometric objects in a robust manner, using only point cloud data sampled from the object. It is now widely recognised that this kind of topological analysis can give qualitative information about data sets which is not readily available by other means. In particular, it can be an aid to visualisation of high dimensional data. Standard simplicial complexes for approximating the topological type of the underlying space (such as Cech, Rips, or a-shape) produce simplicial complexes whose vertex set has the same size as the underlying set of point cloud data. Such constructions are sometimes still tractable, but are wasteful (of computing resources) since the homotopy types of the underlying objects are generally realisable on much smaller vertex sets. We obtain smaller complexes by choosing a set of 'landmark' points from our data set, and then constructing a "witness complex" on this set using ideas motivated by the usual Delaunay complex in Euclidean space. The key idea is that the remaining (non-landmark) data points are used as witnesses to the existence of edges or simplices spanned by combinations of landmark points. Our construction generalises the topology-preserving graphs of Martinetz and Schulten [MS94] in two directions. First, it produces a simplicial complex rather than a graph. Secondly it actually produces a nested family of simplicial complexes, which represent the data at different feature scales, suitable for calculating persistent homology [ELZ00, ZC04]. We find that in addition to the complexes being smaller, they also provide (in a precise sense) a better picture of the homology, with less noise, than the full scale constructions using all the data points. We illustrate the use of these complexes in qualitatively analyzing a data set of 3 × 3 pixel patches studied by David Mumford et al [LPM03].

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