Miniaturized Multi-Channels SiPM Read-Out Electronics for the Development of Compact Gamma Cameras

In addition to intra-operative counting probes, compact gamma cameras are very attractive to provide more efficient tumor localization during radio-guided cancer surgery. In that context, we propose to study the potentiality of SiPM devices in order to develop novel very light hand-held gamma cameras with high performances. We report here the design and features of a photodetection module, based on 2x2 SiPM monolithic arrays, each of them consisting of 4x4 SiPMs coupled to a miniaturized readout electronics based on a dedicated ASIC. The overall dimensions of the electronics (64 channels) fit the size of the detector, enabling to assemble side-by-side several elementary modules without dead-zone. Beyond the compactness, the readout electronics also provides multiplexed charge measurement, individual SiPM bias voltage adjustment, real-time temperature-compensated circuit and low power consumption. Preliminary evaluation of the performances of the photodetection module for gamma imaging is very promising and very closed to that achieved with standard, more cumbersome flat panel MAPMT.