Open Systems For Europe

Part 1 Keynote papers from governmental agencies: guidelines for an inormatics architecture, de Backer the DTI programme to encourage Open Systems, W.Greaves towards a European GOSIP, L.Caffrey. Part 2 Vendor views of standards and the European market: OSI gaining a foothold in Europe through standards, R.Matthews standardization for OSI - recent developments and future directions, N.Bush and B.Wood relational database opportunities within the single European market, M.Eaton proprietary and public standards, P.Morgan. Part 3 User case studies of Open Systems and interworking: why Open Systems - a management perspective, C.Calder OPen Systems in NHS, P.Bishop implementation of value-added network at Lloyds, M.Anstee commercial applications of EDI, W.Bedford. Part 4 Other issues in Open Systems development: planning for information resource centres, C.Lazou standards for scientific languages, S.Hammarling development and application of software tools to verify standards, A.Twigger.