Correlation Between NDVI and Principal Climate Factors in Guizhou Province
Based on the maximum NDVI dataset worked out every 15 days by GIMMS and the meteorological data gathered from 84 weather stations in Guizhou Province,variation of the vegetation in Guizhou and its NDVI in the period of 1987-2003,and their relations with major climate factors,temperature and rainfall,were analyzed.Results show that the annual mean NDVI in Guizhou Province demonstrated a declining trend in the 17 years,which is a result of the sharp drop of NDVI in winter,even though in spring NDVI rises a bit.On a yearly scale,variation of vegetation is not significantly related to temperature and precipitation,however,it is,on a seasonal scale,especially to temperature in spring(α=0.05).On the whole,the correlation coefficient of NDVI with temperature and precipitation in spring is higher than in the other seasons.The simultaneous correlation of temperature with NDVI is higher than the lag correlation,while the relationship of precipitation shows an opposite trend.Both temperature and precipitation are positively related to growth of vegetation,but the former is more significantly related than the latter.