국내 장수명주택 인증제도의 실태분석 및 개선방안 연구

Housing has to continually change in a variety of appearance with the passage of time as a basic human living spaces. In this trend in the country under a lot of research on the housing it can keep long life for more than 100 years life in progress. Long-life housing is house have a positive impact in reducing the environmental impact of construction projects, including the building as possible reflect your needs according to lifestyle changes in modern society, the residential housing environment to reduce the cost of reconstruction. For the supply and activation of the long-lived and long life housing shortage Housing is currently the certification system is implemented yet during and certification system and recognized as the institutional aspects introducer. Look at the problems appearing in the process of certification is also in progress on the admission of practitioners and aim for long-life housing certification system is seen to provide direction to reliably settled in domestic research. Future certification system is used as a reference during the revision improved directionality would expect the continued development of long-life housing.