Research on Wartime Equipment Maintenance Support Forces Optimization Scheduling Problem
In this paper, using the improved genetic algorithm and the priority weight of equipment maintenance method, we build up one tour route model that based on the largest maintenance weights under the control of minimum distance ,which has realized synchronous optimization of the maintenance support forces, the object of maintenance priority and driving route ,then we put forward the model of genetic algorithm, through the instance running and analysis of the results ,the new algorithm was effectively verified, thus this provides a new method and a train of thought on solution the problem of how to send equipment maintenance support forces during wartime. 战时装备维修保障力量优化调度问题研究 何岩 ,赵劲松 ,王少聪 ,周玄 ,陈阵 1,a 陆军军事交通学院,天津,中国 300161 通讯作者 关键词: 维修优先级; 维修保障力量;优化调度;遗传算法 摘要.本文利用改进的遗传算法和装备维修的优先级别权重,构建出基于满足最大维修 权重条件下最小行驶距离的装备巡回维修力量派遣路线模型,实现了维修保障力量的分 配、维修对象优先级别和行驶路线的同步优化,并提出了模型求解算法,并通过具体实 例和分析对新算法进行了有效性检验,为战时装备维修保障力量优化问题的解决提供了 新的方法和思路。 1. 引言 战时巡回维修保障作为野战条件下维修保障的主要方式,其主要着力解决因条件或 资源等原因受限而无法伴随维修和定点维修的装备。主要依托战前准备阶段或者是作战 间隙进行,施行由后方保障群向任务地域或部队驻地间的巡回维修保障。科学合理的 分配维修保障任务,能够在最大程度上完成繁重分散的维修任务的同时,保障维修任 务的时效性,从最大程度上维持和恢复部队的战斗力,以实现保障打赢的总体目标。 4th International Conference on Humanities Science and Society Development (ICHSSD 2019) Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 328