Parallel architecture for real-time video communications
Avideo codecbased on several paralleldigitalsignalprocessors is described. The digitalsignalprocessors (DSPs) can be easily programmed to implement the H. 261 algorithm and are organized as a single instruction multiple data (SIMD) computing architecture. Both the encoder and the decoder divide a picture in regions of horizontal strips and use one local processor per region. These local processors code (decode) one horizontal strip of data which using the terminology of the H. 261 standard corresponds to two group. of blocks (GOBs). They also communicate to a central processor which multiplexes (demultiplexes) the coded data from (for) the processors in the encoder (decoder). In the case of the encoder the central processor also controls a data buffer for bit-rate adaptation. Lateral communication between adjacent processors is implemented to allow comparisons between blocks situated in neighbouring regions as required by most motion estimation algorithms.
[1] S. Okubo. Video codec standardization in CCITT study group XV , 1989 .