The prelaunch checklist

This chapter presents the checklist for new business and product development. There are many similarities between the new product launch and the preflight checklist. The preflight checklist is a methodical review of all the elements associated with ensuring a successful and safe flight. The same holds true for the new product development prelaunch checklist. A protocol must be executed to ensure that all of the proper elements are addressed before launch. The chapter discusses the checklist for the new product line. The information system associated with the commercial aspects and usage of the product are described. A discussion of the product information and the various forms it may take is presented, followed by the examination and confirmation of internal support systems to garner business generated by the product. The chapter discusses the channel infrastructure requirements and how to integrate them into the organization. It elaborates the material requirements in the stages of transition, from development prototypes through initial production. The chapter also reviews the use of feedback systems for the business development team covering the various aspects of the business.