Site Remediation: Planning and Management

PART I: INTRODUCTION Planning Issues in Site Remediation Diverse Regulatory Umbrella How Clean is Clean? Uncertainty of Science Liability and Equity Urban Revitalization Connection Components of Site Remediation Planning Planning Context The of Remedial Planning References for Part I PART II: LEGAL BACKGROUND Superfund Program Program Objectives and Operating Mechanism Superfund Primary Attributes Implementing Superfund Relationship with Hazardous Waste Programs Site Remediation Under RCRA Basic RCRA Provisions RCRA Cleanup Program Leaking UST and PCS Remediation Objectives of the UST Program Program Requirements Closing A Tank Releases From the Tank and Corrective Action Requirement Reporting and Recordkeeping Petroleum-Contaminated Soil References for Part II PART III: SITE ASSESSMENT PLANNING Introduction to SAP and RAP Contaminant Chemistry Basic Statistics Geology and Hydrogeology Environmental Sampling Requirements for Achieving Quality Sampling Assuring the Quality of Sampling Data Sampling Plan Development Health and Safety Plan Sampling Management Issues Site Characterization Geophysical Survey Hydrogeological and Geochemical Investigation Movement and Fate of Contaminants Risk Assessment and Management Human Health Risk Assessment Risk Management Ecological Risk Remediation Standards Limits of Detection Background Remediation Regulatory Cleanup Level Human Health Risk Standard Technology-Based Cleanup References for Part III PART IV: REMEDIATION ACTION PLANNING Remediation Technology Biological Treatment Physico-Chemical Treatment Thermal Treatment Other Technology Technology Screening and Data Requirements Screening of Remediation Technologies Site-Specific Data Requirements Public Participation Fundamentals of Environmental Communications Strategizing Community Relations Developing Public Participation Plan Risk Communication in Public Participation Planning Assistance in Developing Public Participation Planning References for Part IV PART V: CONCLUSION Trends in Site Remediation The Brownfields Program The Demand of Remediation Technologies The Streamlining and Focusing of Site Remediation References for Part V Index