Effects of subsurface volume scattering on the lunar microwave brightness temperature spectrum

Abstract The effects of volume scattering on the lunar microwave brightness temperature spectrum are evaluated for a broad range of plausible scattering fragment populations. Mie-scattering phase functions and the radiative transfer method are utilized. Results indicate that emission darkening of ∼1–7°K is to be expected over the wavelength range 3–30 cm, dependent on the total volume fraction of centimeter-sized and larger fragments. Spectral variations can occur if the size distribution of scatterers is nonuniform in a power law sense. For mare regions representative of the Surveyor III, V, and VI sites, an increase in brightness temperature with wavelength is predicted which is smaller than the predicted spectral variation due to planetary heat flow. The amplitude of lunation variation in brightness temperature is particularly sensitive to the fraction of fragments in the upper 10-cm diurnal layer. Deductions of electrical loss based on purely absorptive models can overestimate loss tangent values by a factor of 1.5 or more if scattering effects are not accounted for. The absence of anomalies exceeding ∼2°K in lunar night-time γ3.55-cm brightness temperature maps requires a remarkable uniformity of the surface layer (upper 10 cm) scattering properties on a 250-km scale.

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