The viscosity of atmospherically relevant organic particles

The importance of organic aerosol particles in the environment has been long established, influencing cloud formation and lifetime, absorbing and scattering sunlight, affecting atmospheric composition and impacting on human health. Conventionally, ambient organic particles were considered to exist as liquids. Recent observations in field measurements and studies in the laboratory suggest that they may instead exist as highly viscous semi-solids or amorphous glassy solids under certain conditions, with important implications for atmospheric chemistry, climate and air quality. This review explores our understanding of aerosol particle phase, particularly as identified by measurements of the viscosity of organic particles, and the atmospheric implications of phase state.The phase state of organic particles in the atmosphere has important consequences for the impact of aerosols on climate, visibility, air quality and health. Here, the authors review the evidence for the formation of amorphous glassy particles and the methods for determining aerosol particle viscosity.


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