Simple merging technique for improving resolution in qualitative single image phase contrast tomography.

For dynamic samples and/or for simple ease-of-use experiments, single-image phase contrast tomography is a very effective method for the 3D visualization of materials which would otherwise be indiscernible in attenuation based x-ray imaging. With binary samples (e.g. air-material) and monochromatic wavefields a transport-of-intensity (TIE)-based phase retrieval algorithm is known to retrieve accurate quantitative maps of the phase distribution. For mixed material samples and/or white beam radiation the algorithm can still produce useful qualitative tomographic reconstructions with significantly improved area contrast. The stability of the algorithm comes with a recognized associated loss of spatial resolution due to its essential behaviour as a low-pass filter. One possible answer to this is an image fusion technique that merges the slices reconstructed from raw phase contrast images and those after phase retrieval, where the improved contrast may be acquired without the associated loss of high-frequency information. We present this technique as a simple few-parameter Fourier method, which is easily tunable and highly compatible with current reconstruction steps.

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