Design of a web-based information system for ambient environmental data.

The development of a new web-based information dissemination system in West Macedonia in Greece is described. The system has been developed for online use, giving the concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, SO(2), NO(X), O(3), CO, as well as meteorological data (temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and direction). The European air quality limits for each measured pollutant are also provided for comparison together with the calculated Air quality index (AQI) that is displayed on a color based scale showing the various categories. Based on the temperature and humidity values the discomfort index is also calculated and is displayed descriptively. For more accurate estimation of the AQI, a surrogate method for estimating AQI is also used to assess air quality conditions at a given time. Four cities are dealt with by the system, the capitals of the prefectures of West Macedonia, with five locations specifically covered. The system of assessing the status of air quality has been developed and designed in a format understandable by the public and managers, and will aid the understanding of the relevant issues. The URL of the website is .