High aspect ratio micromachining (HARM) technologies for microinertial devices

Abstract In this paper, we review work on novel, high aspect processes for microinertial components at the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). High aspect components may lead to significant cost-performance improvements in both accelerometers and gyroscopes. We have evaluated 3 low temperature process technologies – silicon on insulator (SOI) HARM, UV electroforming and bulk HARM. Prototype microinertial devices fabricated in these technologies are also presented. The potential of the processes for integration with on-chip CMOS electronics is assessed which may be either as part of a fully integrated MEMS process or as “value-added” post-processing on commercial CMOS wafers.Bonded SOI (BSOI) materials has been specially designed for micromachining applications to give a low stress material that is optimised for a sacrificial release process. Trench isolation is achieved by deep dry etching to the buried dielectric. These trenches may be refilled to allow metallisation to reach isolated components. Structures with aspect ratios of up to 50:1 have been realised using a combination of photolithography, deposition and deep dry etching. CMOS compatibility has been demonstrated. The process is an attractive manufacturing technology. Electroforming of nickel in resist moulds formed using conventional UV photolithography has also been investigated. Some of the early limitations with this technology have been overcome by using a new resist technology, SU8. The process needs to mature further, but remains a promising candidate. Bulk HARM uses deep dry etching of a bulk silicon membrane which is defined using wet etching. Device isolation is difficult and process control complex making this the least attractive of the technologies.