객체 지향 변수형 모델러를 이용한 한국전통건축 모델링에 관한 연구

There have been numerous researches and developments in CAAD recently and mostly thanks to the object-oriented modeling technology, we have a number of practice-applicable software systems available commercially. Most of such systems, however, exhibit difficulties in supporting the modeling of traditional Oriental architecture. Traditional Oriental architecture is largely characterized by its unique timber structure, including many components of various shapes and sizes, thus requires an appropriate tool for such characteristics. This study therefore intends to develop an effective tool for modeling traditional Oriental buildings as such. To this end, an intelligent object definition tool for building components is built, according to the hierarchy of components of typical Korean traditional architecture, which incorporates parametric modeling capability and thus could be accessed within a dynamic component-based modeling environment. For the initial experiment, a typical private house is selected and a prototype of components is built accordingly. Most of the components are defined using the parametric modeling techniques implemented in GDL (Geometric Description Language), then can be accessed under a GUI(Graphic User Interface) environment. The GUI environment can provide a convenient tool for manipulating various parametric objects, in an intelligent manner, allowing the efficient modeling of components with variable shapes and sizes and consequently the whole building that are composed of such components.