Clustering cubes with binary dimensions in one pass

Finding aggregations of records with high dimensionality in large data warehouses is a crucial and costly task. These groups of similar records are the result of partitions obtained with GROUP BYs. In this research, we focus on obtaining aggregations of groups of similar records by turning the problem into efficient binary clustering of a fact table as a relaxation of a GROUP BY clause. We present an efficient window-based Incremental K-Means algorithm in a relational database system implemented as a user-defined function. This variant is based on the Incremental K-Means algorithm. The speed up is achieved through the computation of sufficient statistics, multithreading, efficient distance computation and sparse matrix operations. Finally, the performance of our algorithm is compared against multiple variants of the K-Means algorithm. Our experiments show that our incremental K-Means algorithm achieves similar or even better results more quickly than the traditional K-Means algorithm.

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