The bi-team orienteering problem with time window

In this paper three algorithms are designed to solve the bi-team orienteering problem with time window (BTOPTW) in which the aim is to minimise the total travel cost as well as maximising the score gained by the salesmen. In one of them, a greedy algorithm tries to select the best solution from the initial solutions by a greedy procedure. The other algorithm constructs a solution by the GRASP and searches its neighbour solutions. The last algorithm is an extended version of previous algorithm augmented by the NSGA-II. Evaluation of the algorithms performances is done by comparing the results of the algorithm with the result of the improved augmented epsilon constraint (AUGMECON2) approach by some measures such as non-dominated Pareto size (NPS), spacing metric (SM), generational distance (GD), inverse generational distance (IGD) and set coverage metric (CS). The results confirm that NSGA-II algorithm has got satisfactory efficiency in an acceptable computational time.