The absorption spectrum of the all-trans retinal chromophore in the protonated Schiff-base form, that is, the biologically relevant form, has been measured in vacuo, and a maximum is found at 610 nm. The absorption of retinal proteins has hitherto been compared to that of protonated retinal in methanol, where the absorption maximum is at 440 nm. In contrast, the new gas-phase absorption data constitute a well-defined reference for spectral tuning in rhodopsins in an environment devoid of charges and dipoles. They replace the misleading comparison with absorption properties in solvents and lay the basis for reconsidering the molecular mechanisms of color tuning in the large family of retinal proteins. Indeed, our measurement directly shows that protein environments in rhodopsins are blue- rather than red shifting the absorption. The absorption of a retinal model chromophore with a neutral Schiff base is also studied. The data explain the significant blue shift that occurs when metharhodopsin I becomes deprotonated as well as the purple-to-blue transition of bacteriorhodopsin upon acidification.