On Securing Bi- and Tri-partite Session Key Agreement Protocol Using IBE Framework

Key exchange protocols with cryptographic techniques play an important role in securing network communication. For this, several methods for negotiating secure keys among the group members are presented. In this paper, two secure identity-based key exchange protocols based on multiplicative group (like Diffie–Hellman) as well as elliptic curve group (like Joux) are proposed. In our scheme, bipartite i.e. key negotiation between two users and tripartite, i.e. key negotiation between three users are proposed. The schemes presented are secure against many possible attacks like MITM, DoS and Impersonation, etc. An extensive security analysis against our claim is given. We also made a comparison of our proposed protocols with similar works proposed by Hitchcock, Boyd and Gonzaleznieto and found that ours have better complexity, secure and efficient over others.

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