Einfluß der Preisentwicklung von Einzelfuttermitteln in den Jahren2005, 2007 und 2008 auf den Preis von 100% Bio-Legehennen-Alleinfutter

Four layer-mash rations based on 100% agricultural feedstuffs of organic origin and with different levels of energy content were tested at the University of Kassel some years ago. Now it is to investigate the influence of different parts of the feedstuffs in the composition of the rations on the cost of the 100% layer-mash in three years with different costs for the feedstuffs. It is obvious to see, that the price of protein sources like soy-products or some oil cakes (sesame) and the grain legumes ascended about 100% from 2005 to 2008. Layer mash with the highest energy level is in all years the most expensive variant. The facts due to concern, that regarding to actual price trends of organic protein sources, it is favourable to reduce energy content of layer mash, leaving static tradition and act sparingly with organic feedstuff resources.