Perchlorate reduction by a mixed culture in an up-flow anaerobic fixed bed reactor

Wolinella succinogenes HAP-1 is a Gram-negative microaerophile which reduces perchlorate to chloride by the proposed pathway ClO4 to ClO3 to ClO2 to Cl + O2. A cost-effective perchlorate treatment process has been established using a consortium of facultative anaerobic organisms and W. succinogenes HAP-1. The mixed anaerobic bacterial culture containing W. succinogenes HAP-1 was examined for the ability to form a biofilm capable of perchlorate reduction. An up-flow anaerobic fixed bed reactor (UAFBR) was packed with diatomaceous earth pellets and operated at residence times of 1.17 and 0.46 h to insure a viable biofilm had attached to the diatomaceous earth pellets. Reduction rates of perchlorate to chloride in the UAFBR could be maintained at 1 g of perchlorate reduced h−1 L−1. Studies with the same bacterial consortium in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR) generally reduced 0.5–0.7 g of perchlorate h−1. Viable cell counts were performed periodically on the diatomaceous earth pellets and demonstrated that the W. succinogenes HAP-1 population was maintained at 28–47% of the total microbial population. Scanning electron micrographs demonstrated that the external and internal surfaces of the diatomaceous pellets were densely colonized with microbial cells of multiple cell types. This is the first report of an anaerobic mixed culture forming a biofilm capable of perchlorate reduction.