Novel multiband Flamenco fractal antenna for wearable WBAN off-body communication applications

Novel fractal geometry is presented in this paper termed as Flamenco for exhibiting multiband characteristics. The Flamenco fractal is iterated upto third order for attaining five resonances at 0.928 GHz, 3.56 GHz, 6.85 GHz, 8.12 GHz and 10.56 GHz covering Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band as well as Ultra-wide Band (UWB) for off-body Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) biomedical communications. The antenna is designed in monopole configuration along with microstrip stubs and slots embedded at the ground plane for providing frequency and bandwidth tuning and optimization of the desired resonances. Lower Specific Absorption Ratio (SAR) of 0.989 W/kg averaged over 1 g is achieved due to reduced size proposed fractal radiator. The gain patterns presented verifies the omni-directional radiations for the Flamenco fractal.