Solid state dye laser

In pursuit of the ideal solid state dye laser, two possible host matrices were investigated. Porous silica with average pore diameters of 50 and 75 angstrom were doped with both rhodamine 6G and rhodamine 6G in an ORMOSIL composition, and their fluorescence and lasing properties were characterized. Measurements included absorption/scattering loss of undoped hosts, and fluorescence spectra, lasing efficiencies, and photostability of the dye- doped materials. Excitation was done with a doubled Nd:YAG at 532 nm. The center of the broadband laser emission (FWHM of 5 nm) was 560 nm. The optimum material in the form of a 12 mm diameter X 6.3 mm thick disk gave a lifetime to 50% power for a single 1 mm diameter irradiation site of 25,000 shots with an initial efficiency of 39%. The same material in the form of an 8 mm diameter X 15 mm long rod gave a lifetime of 95,000 shots and initial efficiency of 31% under the same conditions.