Compact Cities and Sustainable Urban Development

Introduction - compact cities and sustainable development, G. de Roo, D. Miller. Part A The dilemmas of compact city development: urban consolidation and the benefits of intensification, M. Jenks et al environmental planning and the compact city - a Dutch perspective, G. de Roo compact urban policies in Randstad Holland, M. Dijst towards an evaluation methodology for urban concepts, D.M.E.G.W. Snellen et al the contribution of conservation areas to urban sustainability, J. Lynch, J. Doak. Part B Problems in renewing and reusing sites to increase densities: urban regeneration in districts built in the 1950s, D.J. Tijl, M.W.G. van Diggelen sustainable inner city renewal, H. Hinsley soil sanitation - the link with urban planning, H. Hofstra "polluter pays" - but who IS it? implications for reclamation of abandoned industrial sites, P.B. Meyer. Part C Measuring environmental quality perceptions: living with industry in compact communities - neighbourhood safety and the quality of community life, R.J. Burby, D.M. Moore green grass and brown roots - understanding environmental problems in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, J. Leitmann et al "Bandwidth", a frame work for integration between environmental, economic, traffic and other urban aspects, L. van Holten et al. Part D Citizen participation strategies and methods: participation strategies for urban infrastructure - the Australian experience, D. Snashall citizen mobilization for environmental justice - facilitating and inhibiting factors, R.O. Washington reducing auto dependency in a central city - visions and expectations turned into concrete participation, M. Schultz public participation - for what reasons? T. Holsen. Part E Impacts of automobile dependency in compact cities: changing mobility patterns in a compact city -environmental impacts, M.E. Bouwman the case of the Paris region, and its urban density and mobility - what do we know? what can we do? V. Fouchier. (Part contents).