Developing a 3D animation tool to improve veterinary undergraduate understanding of obstetrical problems in horses

Background Many challenges are encountered in both teaching and learning veterinary obstetrics. This may be due to outdated teaching materials, as the main model of content transmission remains centred around text and images. Methods Visualisation methods such as three-dimensional (3D) and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) tools were applied in an attempt to improve obstetrics education outcomes in the third-year class. Traditional teaching methods were utilised in the fourth-year and fifth-year students. Results These supplementary tools significantly increased the third-year students’ final examination results compared with the results of fourth-year and fifth-year students (P<0.05). These examinations were designed to evaluate comprehension of the subject matter. Self-assessment questionnaire results further indicated that 3D animation and GIF promoted learning efficiency. Conclusion Incorporation of 3D animation learning tools into the veterinary curriculum is predicted to better prepare students for the management of obstetrical cases after graduation.