Spaceborne earth applications ranging system /SPEAR/

A technique is discussed for the accurate (i.e. to within fractions of cm/yr) detection of earth surface motions utilizing the latest space technology. It is shown that over a six day period and assuming a 50% cloud cover (as experienced over the last few years of laser operation) utilizing spaceborne precision ranging systems, intersite distances on the order of 5 to 15 km can be determined in the vertical and horizontal components with errors in the 0.5 to 1.5 cm range. These errors are almost independent of ground survey errors up to 0.25 meters and orbit errors up to 200 meters. A spaceborne laser ranging system is assumed to range simultaneously to two or more ground emplaced retroreflectors. The fundamental advantage derived from simultaneous ranging is the elimination to first order of errors due to the system. This means elimination of bias errors in the ranging system, errors due to propagation effects, and errors associated with the spacecraft's motion in its orbit.