Estimating motion in image sequences

We have reviewed the estimation of 2D motion from time-varying images, paying particular attention to the underlying models, estimation criteria, and optimization strategies. Several parametric and nonparametric models for the representation of motion vector fields and motion trajectory fields have been discussed. For a given region of support, these models determine the dimensionality of the estimation problem as well as the amount of data that has to be interpreted or transmitted thereafter. Also, the interdependence of motion and image data has been addressed. We have shown that even ideal constraints may not provide a well-defined estimation criterion. Therefore, the data term of an estimation criterion is usually supplemented with a smoothness term that can be expressed explicitly or implicitly via a constraining motion model. We have paid particular attention to the statistical criteria based on Markov random fields. Because the optimization of an estimation criterion typically involves a large number of unknowns, we have presented several fast search strategies.