Patient Outcomes Utilizing the Selective Functional Movement Assessment and Mulligan Mobilizations With Movement on Recreational Dancers With Sacroiliac Joint Pain: A Case Series

The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) has been identified as the origin of low back pain affecting 13–25% of patients.1–3 In the dance population, low back pain has been reported to account for 12–23% of all injuries.4,5 In the dance medicine setting, many patients report to the clinic complaining of low back and SIJ pain of unknown etiology.4 The SIJ plays a vital role in the functional movement and biomechanics of dance. Turnout, or extreme external rotation of the hip, combined with the extreme range of hip extension can place the pelvis and lumbar spine Patient Outcomes Utilizing the Selective Functional Movement Assessment and Mulligan Mobilizations With Movement on Recreational Dancers With Sacroiliac Joint Pain: A Case Series