Mobile forest management.

• The perspective for future is a new technology of sustainable forest management based on utilisation of modern information technologies (mobile communication, remote sensing methods, temporally analysis, mathematical modelling). Mobility forestry planing systems and services, which exploit and are built on the existing (GPRS) and future telecommunications (UTMS) and positioning networks (GPS), based on terrestrial and satellite infrastructures. Integration of wireless data transmission and positioning systems with geographical information systems and Earth observation system. Development of new tools for forest management based geographic information also for info-mobility services, using satellite data and the previous existing GIS data collection. Using temporally analysis of forestry related data for the purpose of an better forest planning. Important aspects of the proposed technology is the interconnectivity (using wireless connection of different analytic systems) and interoperability (common use of data by different systems). The newest development on this filed will be used for the purpose of the project e.g. launching of new satellites of very high resolution (IKONOS, EROS), coming wireless technologies based on GPRS, WLAN principles, evaluation of growth models using new information technologies. On the providing of the direct terrain measuring more effectively another European project WirelessInfo is focused, IST 1999-21056 trials from 5 th Frame Work, oriented on the testing of wireless data transmission using GSM and GPRS technology. For the future practical utilisation of this methods, it is necessary to start from the knowledge of this project, adopt this into future technologies and to establish a methodology for utilisation of this new methods in the software tools for forest management plans.