This research is developed in collaboration with the Istituto di Radioastronomia, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (IRA-INAF) located at Medicina (Bologna), in the context of the BEST (Basic Element for SKA Training) project. SKA is the name given to a new generation radio-telescope that will have 1 km of effective collecting area. SKA will be the most sensitive radio-telescope ever built that allows a deeper knowledge of the universe. After a reliability analysis we estimated the MTBF of the two approaches so we suggested the most reliable solution to implement. This work considers the most reliable solution for the radio astronomical signal receiver chains, the solution that conveys the analog signal through optical fibre. Since the reliability prediction indicated the front-end, installed on the focal line of the antenna, as the more stressed block by environmental and climatic factors, we recommended to perform the environmental tests on it. The whole tests plan has been characterized and some preliminary results are reported in the paper [1].