An Innovative Methodology for Load and Generation Modelling in a Reliability Assessment with PV and Smart Meter Readings

With a paradigm shift from centralized to decentralized integration of distributed generation, particularly the photovoltaic (PV) systems made significant impacts on the reliability of power systems. The intermittency of PV and the stochastic nature of load results in a complex interaction of PV and load profiles, in a reliability assessment. In order to reduce the complexities of intermittent power generation interaction with smart meter customer consumptions, this paper presents an innovative methodology for the modeling of intermittent PV generation and smart meter readings in a reliability assessment in a power system. A case study was performed incorporating different scenarios of PV integrations with real-world smart meter load data, and climate projections weather in a UK environment. The results validate robustness of the proposed modeling framework for the reliability assessment in a power system with an accuracy of more than 99.5% and 97.5%, compared with actual generation and load profiles respectively.