Strategi Pengembangan Kemandirian Pelaku Muda Agribisnis “ Brain Gain Actors” di Jawa Barat

Brain gain is one approach innovation to the regeneration of agriculture and rural development actors who are a warm discourse in the world. Independence development of agribusiness young actors (AYA) are educated and skilled representation of brain gain process. As a complex process, brain gain needs to be initiated and developed into a regeneration policy in Indonesia. Quality management business perspective asserts, to arrive at a policy, it is necessary strategies. This study aims to formulate a independence development strategy of AYA. Articles that are designed in mixed method describes the level independence of AYA and formulate independence development strategy of AYA using analytical tools SEM and SSM. The study shows, the level independence of AYA relatively less, particularly aspects of quality and competitiveness. Hybrid and collaborative strategy can be done to strengthening aspects of readiness, personal factors, pull factors and push factors the significant effect, both quantitatively and qualitatively.