1. F = Countably saturated strongly minimal structures with the DMP. In [3], Hrushovski showed that any two strongly minimal theories formulated in totally different languages have a common extension which is still strongly minimal and with the DMP. (DMP is the property that states that if a point b is sufficiently close to a, then Q(x, b) has the same rank and the same degree as Q(x, a).) His proof essentially shows that if Lo = 0 then any two countably saturated strongly minimal structures with the DMP have a strongly minimal amalgamation. Also he gave an example that shows the condition Lo = 0 is necessary 2. F = N -categorical countable structures. Let M1 be the structure (Q, +) and let M2 be the {E, F}-structure defined by: (i) E is an equivalence relation which divides the universe into two infinite classes A and B, (ii) F is a bijection between A and B. Clearly both structures are N l-categorical. But there is no amalgamation which is NI -categorical: Suppose that M were such an amalgamation. By (ii), the Morley degree of the structure is greater than one. So Q = MIL1 must have a subgroup G such that 1 1 then it has a subgroup of finite index. So the same example as in 2 works. I.e., there is a pair of co-stable structures whose amalgamation is always non-cw-stable. 4. F = No-categorical countable structures. In [6], Schmerl treated the case Lo = 0, and showed that if in M1 acl(A) = A holds for A c IM1 I then an cccategorical amalgamation of Ml and M2 exists. (In this paper IMI denotes the underlying set of a given structure M.)
Ehud Hrushovski,et al.
Groups definable in local fields and pseudo-finite fields
Anand Pillay.
Some Remarks on Modular Regular Types
J. Symb. Log..
Ehud Hrushovski,et al.
On the Automorphism Groups of Finite Covers
Ann. Pure Appl. Log..
Ehud Hrushovski,et al.
Totally categorical structures
Ehud Hrushovski.
Strongly minimal expansions of algebraically closed fields
James H. Schmerl,et al.
Decidability and ℵ0-categoricity of theories of partially ordered sets
Journal of Symbolic Logic.