Augmented Reality Based Interactive Text Book: An Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disability

Statistics based on research reveals that India has approximately ninety million people with varying degrees of Learning Disabilities (LD) and an average class in schools has about five students with learning disabilities. Epidemiological studies of learning disabilities in India are burdened by problems ranging from identification, assessment, to socio-cultural factors unique to India. Therefore, it is believed that number of children with LD may be much larger than five to a class of fifty students. Hence it is necessary for us to develop suitable technologies to assist the education of these learning disabilities children. This paper presents a PROTYPE called Interactive Text book for assisting students with learning disability. Here the book will be same as normal text book with out any special markers and identifiers. Once the children focus on a text, the 3D images, audio and videos that explains the text more graphically will be augmented on that page. This enhances the students understanding and makes the learning process easier for them.