Denatured thorium cycle: an overview

We performed a scenario evaluation that delineates the potential role of denatured uranium/thorium-fueled reactors, including breeders, in symbiotic systems. In this study, reactors fueled with plutonium were built in secure centers, while reactors at dispersed sites were fueled with natural, low-enriched, or denatured uranium (12% /sup 233/U or 20% /sup 235/U in /sup 238/U). The installed nuclear capacity is assumed to be 350 MW(electric) in the year 2000, with a net increase of 15 GW(electric)/y permitted through the year 2050. The U.S. Department of Energy Division of Uranium Resources and Enrichment projected the two bounding cases of uranium recoverable at a marginal cost of $160/lb U/sub 3/O/sub 8/ or less used in this study. The marginal cost of $160/lb U/sub 3/O/sub 8/ occurs at 3 million short tons (ST) for the high-cost supply and at 6 million ST for the intermediate-cost supply. For the assumed high-cost U/sub 3/O/sub 8/ supply (3 million ST U/sub 3/O/sub 8/), thermal recycle with denatured light water reactors (LWRs) will achieve the same incremental increase in maximum achievable nuclear capacity as U/Pu recycle in LWRs (approx. 200 GW(electric) more than once-through cycles). Introduction of a breeder is required for the system to achieve the projectedmore » nuclear demand (1100 GW(clectric) in 2049). For all denatured systems, including those with breeders, a significantly larger fraction of the installed capacity can be located at dispersed sites, compared with U/Pu systems. For the assumed intermediate-cost U/sub 3/O/sub 8/ supply (6 million ST U/sub 3/O/sub 8/), thermal recycle with advanced converters will permit projected nuclear demand to be met for both the Pu/U and denatured uranium--thorium cycles.« less