Short pulse saturation-recovery electron paramagnetic resonance methods have been used to measure interactions of 14N:15N stearic acid spin label pairs in multilamellar liposomal dispersions composed of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dielaidoylphosphatidylcholine (DEPC). Pairs consisting of various combinations of [14N]-16-, [14N]-12- or [14N]-5-doxylstearate, and [15N]-16-, [15N]-12-, or [15N]-5-doxylstearate were studied. SR experiments were performed at 27 degrees and 37 degrees C, and recovery signals were analyzed for initial conditions and multiexponential time constants by computer fitting using a damped least-squares approach. The time constants contain combinations of the electron spin lattice relaxation time, Tle, for each member of the spin-label pair, and the Heisenberg exchange rate constant, Kx. Spin-lattice relaxation times for each of the 14N and 15N stearic acid spin labels were determined, and it is noted that Tle for a given 15N-SASL was always slightly greater than that of the corresponding 14N-SASL. From Kx the bimolecular collision frequency was calculated, providing a detailed picture of molecular interactions. For both lipid systems the bimolecular collision rates were ordered as 12:5 less than 16:5 less than 5:5 less than 16:12 less than 12:12 less than 16:16. For all spin-label pairs studied, interaction frequencies were greater in DMPC than in DEPC. For the 16:16, 12:12, and 16:12 pairs, Kx was approximately 30% greater in DMPC than in DEPC, a significantly greater difference than is observed by conventional EPR methods. Further confirmation of the existence of vertical fluctuation of nitroxide moieties that are at the 16- (or 12) position toward the polar surfaces was obtained, with the frequency of 16:5 (or 12:5) interactions ~40% of the 16:16 (or 12:12) interaction frequency. In both DMPC and DEPC, Kx for homogeneous pairs increases as the doxyl moiety is moved further down the alkyl chain (i.e.,5:5 < 12:12 < 16:16), suggesting that steric effects or the local rotational mobility of the nitroxide group influence the frequency at which spin exchange occurs.
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