Kalina 사이클의 효율 향상 방안 및 성능 비교

In this paper, EP-Kalina cycle applying liquid-vapor ejector and motive pump is newly proposed. In this EP-Kalina cycle, the liquid-vapor ejector is used to increase pressure difference between inlet and outlet of the turbine. Also the motive pump enhances the performance of liquid-vapor ejector, resulting in increase of system efficiency of OTEC cycles. The comparison cycles in this study are basic, Kalina, EKalina and EP-Kalina ones. The pump work, net power, APRe, APRc, TPP and system efficiency of each cycle are compared. In case of net power, EP-Kalina cycle is lowest among the cycles due to the application of the motive pump. But, the net power difference of cycles seems to be minor since the pump work of cycles is merely about 1㎾, compared to turbine gross power of 20㎾. The system efficiency of EP-Kalina cycle shows 3.22%, relatively 44% higher than that of basic OTEC cycle. Therefore, the system efficiency is increased by applying the liquid-vapor ejector and the motive pump. Additional performance analysis is necessary to optimize the proposed EP-Kalina cycle.