A methodological approach of life cycle assessment is presented to compare the overall energy consumption in three variants of a road itinerary in Cameroon, which only differs from their respective lengths. In assessing this energy, construction, exploitation and maintenance phases, as well as their closure were considered in the two scenarios devised. This energy assessment has permitted us to present the life cycle approach has a tool on decision aid. Results arrived at reveal that whatever the case, variants 3 appears to consume more energy than variant 1. Conversely, variant 2 consumes less energy than the two others. In addition, it was noticed that the exploitation phase alone consumes 84.44% of the total energy, irrespective of the scenario. Total energy consumption at construction phase largely depends on the length of the stretch of the road, which remains low and less than 8.21% of the total energy for both scenarios.
B. Bourdeau.
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