A Pilot Test Using Microbial Paraffin-Removal Technology in Liaohe Oilfield

Abstract Over 40 oil and aqueous samples were taken from oil production wells of Shuguang and Jingzhou Zones in Liaohe Oilfield. Three groups of bacteria, Bacillus sp. (LWH 1), Bacillus sp. (LWH 2), and Pseudomonas sp. (LWH 3) were isolated. These bacteria grew well when combined with solid wax as the sole carbon source at 50°C. From 04 to 08 of 1995, these bacteria were used for paraffin-removal on four wells: Wells Nos. 2097, 296, 20117, and 38006 in Shuguang Zone. Results showed that the tested wells obtained good effects after mixed bacteria treatment; oil production increased by 561 tonnes. In addition, 16 cycles of thermal-washing treatment and 44 cycles of additives were eliminated from the four wells during four months of testing. Considerable economic profit was achieved.