l-Glutamate suppresses HVA calcium current in catfish horizontal cells by raising intracellular proton concentration

Catfish horizontal cells exhibit a high voltage-activated, slowly inactivating calcium (HVA) current. In isolated cells, this current underlies a sustained action potential that can be evoked by depolarization. L-Glutamate at concentrations as low as 1 microM suppressed HVA current and shortened the duration of action potentials. pH indicator dye measurements revealed that L-glutamate acidified cells by up to 0.3 pH units. pH/HVA current dose-response curves indicated that the EC50 for pH inhibition of HVA current was 7.1 and the Hill coefficient was 1.98. L-Glutamate's suppression of HVA current was eliminated when the patch pipette solution contained a high concentration of proton buffer, but was not affected when pipettes contained GTP gamma S. These results support the hypothesis that L-glutamate can modulate HVA current by changing intracellular pH.

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