Region Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks

Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) is the networks that have no end to end transmission or communication paths. In delay tolerant networks nodes are intermittently connected which results in very high error rates, high latency with asymmetric data rates. Also the transmission delays are very long, hence such networks are also known as Disruption Tolerant Networks. In DTN nodes are continuously moving (mobile) and owing to the absence of dedicated path from source to the destination, the probability to deliver a packet (message) to its destination is quite low. Also resources like bandwidth of the network and storage capacity of the nodes are finite. With such restricted constraints increasing delivery ratio is a difficult task. To achieve high delivery ratio in DTN, researchers have proposed Flooding Based Algorithms. This approach consumes high network bandwidth thereby reducing its performance. So store-carry-and-forward approach was invented which resulted in the invention of many new algorithms which outperformed previous flooding based algorithms. In this paper we have proposed two algorithms based on Region Based Routing which gives good delivery ratio, average latency and overhead ratio compared to First Contact, Epidemic and Spray-and-Wait router.