A study was undertaken to investigate the relations among luminance, stimulus purity, and Visual Display Terminal (VDT) display color readability, and to clarify the relation between readability and color impression. Four levels of stimulus purity for orange, five levels for green, and five for purple blue, and white and black were examined by a paired comparison method and a questionnaire regarding impression observed for the colors under two levels of illuminance and three levels of luminance. Questionnaire replies indicated that each color had an optimal stimulus purity, in terms of readability, which was from 0.2 to 0.5, independently from illuminance and luminance. Men's readability scores for higher stimulus purities than the optimal value, did not notably decrease, while women's scores were severely lower than the optimal value. In case of short dominant wavelength, readability was higher under low luminance than under other luminances. By applying the Semantic Differential method to answers to the...
Gavriel Salvendy,et al.
Handbook of human factors.
Colin Ware,et al.
On the Brightness of Colours that Differ in Hue or Saturation
R L Booker,et al.
Luminance--brightness comparisons of separated circular stimuli.
Journal of the Optical Society of America.
Naoyuki Osaka,et al.
The effect of VDU colour on visual fatigue in the fovea and periphery of the visual field
Y. Hayashi,et al.
Study on VDT Display Color and Readability
S. M. Luria,et al.
The Effects of Set Size on Color Matching Using CRT Displays
Human factors.