Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

IN THIS SECTION: 1.) BRIEF 2.) COMPREHENSIVE BRIEF TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I Foundations Chapter 1 Why Do Research? Chapter 2 What Are the Major Types of Social Research? Chapter 3 Theory and Research Chapter 4 The Meanings of Methodology Chapter 5 How to Review the Literature and Conduct Ethical Studies Part II Planning and Preparation Chapter 6 Strategies of Research Design Chapter 7 Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement Chapter 8 Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling Part III Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Chapter 9 Experimental Research Chapter 10 Survey Research Chapter 11 Nonreactive Research and Secondary Analysis Chapter 12 Analysis of Quantitative Data Part IV Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Chapter 13 Field Research and Focus Group Research Chapter 14 Historical-Comparative Research Chapter 15 Analysis of Qualitative Data Part V Communicating with Others Chapter 16 Writing the Research Report and the Politics of Social Research COMPREHENSIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I Foundations Chapter 1 Why Do Research? Alternatives to Social Science Research What Research Involves: A Scientific Approach Varieties of Social Research Steps in the Research Process Why Learn How to Conduct Social Research Chapter 2 What Are the Major Types of Social Research? Use and Audience of Research Purpose of Research Within or Across Case Single or Multiple Points in Time Data Collection Techniques Chapter 3 Theory and Research What Is Theory? Social Theory versus Ideology The Parts of Theory Chapter 4 The Meanings of Methodology Philosophical Foundations The Three Approaches Positivist Social Science Interpretative Social Science Critical Social Science Feminist and Postmodern Research Chapter 5 How to Review the Literature and Conduct Ethical Studies The Literature Review Ethics in Social Research Part II Planning and Preparation Chapter 6 Strategies of Research Design Triangulation Qualitative and Quantitative Orientations Toward Research Qualitative Design Issues Quantitative Design Issues Chapter 7 Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement The Need for Measurement Quanitative and Qualtitative Measurement The Measurement Process Reliability and Validity A Guide to Quantitative Measurement Scales and Indexes Chapter 8 Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling Reasons for Sampling Sampling Strategies Part III Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Chapter 9 Experimental Research Appropriate Technique A Short History of the Experiment Random Assignment Experimental Design Logic Internal and External Validity Practical Considerations Results of Experimental Research: Making Comparisons A Word on Ethics Chapter 10 Survey Research A History of Survey Research The Logic of Survey Research Construction of the Questionnaire Types of Surveys: Advantages and Disadvantages Survey Interviewing The Ethical Survey Chapter 11 Nonreactive Research and Secondary Analysis Nonreactive Measurement Content Analysis Existing Statistics/Documents and Secondary Analysis Secondary Analysis of Survey Data Issues of Inference and Theory Testing Ethical Concerns Chapter 12 Analysis of Quantitative Data Dealing with Data Results with One Variable Results with Two Variables More than Two Variables Inferential Statistics Part IV Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Chapter 13 Field Research and Focus Group Research Understanding Field Research The Field Research Interview Data Quality Ethical Dilemmas of Field Research Focus Group Research Chapter 14 Historical-Comparative Research A Short History of Historical-Comparative Research Research Questions Appropriate for Historical-Comparative Research The Logic of Historical-Comparative Research Steps in Conducting a Historical-Comparative Research Project Data and Evidence in Historical Context Comparative Research Equivalence in Historical-Comparative Research Ethics Chapter 15 Analysis of Qualitative Data Comparison of Methods of Data Analysis Coding and Concept Formation Analytic Strategies for Qualitative Data Other Techniques Part V Communicating with Others Chapter 16 Writing the Research Report and the Politics of Social Research The Research Report The Politics of Social Research Objectivity and Value Freedom Appendix: Table of Randomly Selected Five Digit Numbers Bibliography Name Index Subject Index