Effect of a High Strength-to-Weight Ratio Material on Parachute Performance at Mach Number 0.8

Abstract : Tests were conducted in the AEDC Propulsion Wind Tunnel (16T) to determine the deployment and inflation characteristics of five conical ribbon parachute configurations with individual parachute components (suspension lines, radials, and canopy ribbons), in each configuration constructed with nylon material or a new textile material, Fiber B. Dynamic deployment data were obtained at a nominal Mach number of 0.8 and dynamic pressures of 350 to 530 psf, and steady-state data were obtained at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.3 and a dynamic pressure of 200 psf. In general, parachutes constructed of Fiber B material withstood the same opening shock loads while exhibiting a shorter damping time for deployment drag loads compared with the nylon-constructed parachutes. A significant drag-to-weight increase and a steady-state drag increase with increasing dynamic pressure resulted from the use of Fiber B material compared to nylon material in parachute construction. The least post- deployment drag dynamics were exhibited by those parachutes which had Fiber B- constructed canopy ribbons and radials.