Diffusion Modelling Tool (DMT) for the analysis of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data

This paper presents a graphical user interface (GUI) for empowering users to read, analyze, visualize and quantify the diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI-MRI) data into diffusion related imaging biomarkers. The process of random motion of water molecules in human tissues called diffusivity is a significant physical process that can give an insight in the complexity of tissue microarchitecture. Several mathematical models have been proposed for associating diffusivity with the DWI-MRI data, aiming to provide biomarkers for quantifying this physical process. DMT follows a pipeline workflow comprising: a) reading and preparing the DWI-MRI data for analysis, b) measuring various DWI derived biomarkers from several mathematical models, c) assessing qualitatively the derived biomarkers by visually depicting their generated parametric maps, d) statistically measuring the accuracy of the models, and e) performing histogram analysis to the biomarkers and exporting the results into images and tables.