Soil and landscape grid of Australia.

The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia (SLGA) is the first continental version of the GlobalSoilMap concept and the first nationally consistent, fine spatial resolution set of continuous soil attributes with Australia-wide coverage. The SLGA relies on digital soil mapping methods and integrates historical soil data, new measurement with spectroscopic sensors, novel spatial modelling and a web-service delivery architecture. The SLGA provides soil, regolith and landscape estimates at the centre point of 3 arcsecond grid cells (~90 × 90 m) across Australia. At each point, there are estimates of 11 soil attributes and confidence intervals for each estimate to a depth of 2 m or less, depth of regolith and a set of terrain descriptors. The information system also includes a library of mid-infrared spectra, an inference engine that allows estimation of additional soil parameters and an information model that enables users to access the system via web services. The explicit mapping of depth, bulk density and coarse fragments allows estimation of material stores and fluxes on a volumetric basis. The SLGA therefore has immediate applications in carbon, nitrogen and water process modelling. The map of regolith depth will find immediate application to studies of vadose zone processes, including solute transport, groundwater and nutrient fluxes beyond the root zone. Landscape attributes at 1 and 3 arcseconds are useful for a wide spectrum of ecological, hydrological and broader environmental applications. The SLGA can be accessed at no cost from It is managed and delivered as part of the Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS).

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