Investigations on the Palm-Patterns of the Lepchas and the Khasis

The authors conducted the study with the view of discerning the biological relationship between the Lepchas and the other populations by comparing some physical characteristics. The Lepchas are aborigines in Sikkim and their population is about 10,000*20,000 at present. One of the present authors learned during his study of the Lepchas that they were the mountain peoples and that those who had migrated to the plains and hills settled there and eventually came to be called the Khasis. The characteristics of the Khasis were also studied. The Khasis have now settled in Assam (India) and they are known to have a population of about 500,000. The results of the analysis on the palm-patterns of the Lepchas and the Khasis are reported in this paper and a comparison is made of the results with the other populations, mainly with the Japanese and with the Indians. The results of the investigations on the blood groups and factors (ABO, MN, Q, Rh-Hr, secretor character), taste ability for P. T. C. and fingerprints of the same individuals have already been reported (MIKI et al., 1960; HASEKURA, 1961).