Accounting for the Uncertainty in the Evaluation of Percentile Ranks

In a recent paper entitled "Inconsistencies of Recently Proposed Citation Impact Indicators and how to Avoid Them," Schreiber (2012, at arXiv:1202.3861) proposed (i) a method to assess tied ranks consistently and (ii) fractional attribution to percentile ranks in the case of relatively small samples (e.g., for n < 100). Schreiber's solution to the problem of how to handle tied ranks is convincing, in my opinion (cf. Pudovkin & Garfield, 2009). The fractional attribution, however, is computationally intensive and cannot be done manually for even moderately large batches of documents. Schreiber attributed scores fractionally to the six percentile rank classes used in the Science and Engineering Indicators of the U.S. National Science Board, and thus missed, in my opinion, the point that fractional attribution at the level of hundred percentiles-or equivalently quantiles as the continuous random variable-is only a linear, and therefore much less complex problem. Given the quantile-values, the non-linear attribution to the six classes or any other evaluation scheme is then a question of aggregation. A new routine based on these principles (including Schreiber's solution for tied ranks) is made available as software for the assessment of documents retrieved from the Web of Science (at this http URL).